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เครื่องอ่าน/เขียน บัตร RFID UHF 860-960Mhz Card Reader & Writer              ราคา 7,500 บาท


♦ Self-intellectual property

♦ Support ISO18000-6B, ISO18000-6C(EPC C1G2) protocol tag

♦ 902~928MHz and 860Mhz~868Mhz

♦ FHSS or Fix Frequency transmission

♦ RF output power up to 10dbm(adjustable)

♦ No external power source needed

♦ Built-in antenna with effect distance up to 200mm

♦ Support USB1.1 interface with VSP(Virtual Serial Port) or HID mode

♦ Slim outline

♦ Provide SDK and demo software to facilitate further development.

* Effective distance depends on protocol, tag and environment.

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